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Chocolate MUG Cake

Serves 2


  • 3 tbsp preferred GF plain flour (we use buckwheat)

  • 3 tbsp preferred sugar (we use coconut)

  • 1 tbsp cacao or cocoa

  • 1/4 tsp baking powder

  • pinch of salt

  • 3 tbsp preferred milk (we use almond or oat for nut free)

  • 1 tbsp soft coconut oil or butter

  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract


➀ mix all dry ingredients in a small bowl.

➁ add remaining ingredients and stir well to combine.

➂ lightly grease 2 microwave safe medium mugs or ramekins with spray oil and distribute mixture evenly.

➃ microwave for 60-80 seconds. Dust with cacoa and serve (with icecream!)

Dense and delish! Perfect easy sweet snack.

And don’t forget to double the batch and make one for yourself too!

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